They just reported on TV that some flights going in and out of the city have been cancelled due to the bad weather we've been experiencing here lately. Not surprising at all. I peeped outside the office to see this:

See those low hanging, angry clouds? It's been raining everyday since last week, and almost every week this month of July. The nights are so frigid that I can't believe it's sweltering in most parts of USA right now. I have a friend living in New York who told me a couple of days ago that he passed out from heat exhaustion after coming home from a grueling martial arts session. It was a bit hard to sympathize with him since I was bundled up, wearing two layers of thick clothing while loading up on hot tea to stave off the cold.

Having grown up in tropical Philippines all my life, I can handle heat very well like the rest of the Filipino population. But the cold? 'Fraid not. I get sinusitis attacks, headaches, extreme mood swings and equally extreme food cravings. I want to eat spicy shawarma and batchoy all the time. It's crazy. I actually had a bowl of yummy batchoy with egg paired with fish fillet after work today at the food court in Cang's together with a good friend.

The soup was deliciously hot. I felt the heat seep down to my chilled bones. Although it's not the best batchoy out there (once you've tasted Iloilo's Deco's La Paz Batchoy, everyone else's pale in comparison, even Ted's!) it gets the job done in satisfying the craving.

You know what else keeps me warm in this cold weather?

This warm-blooded ball of fur curled up on my lap gets the job done just right, too.

May you be somewhere bright and sunny as you read this!


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